No timer is included in the most recent versions of Verbatim (v5.1.1). A brand new cross-platform open source timer will be released alongside Verbatim 6.
In earlier versions of the installer package (PC only), Verbatim bundled the “Debate Synergy” timer v. 1.5 created by Alex Gulakov as part of the Debate Synergy template and released for free under the GPL 3. That software was released in 2010 and the version that was included in Verbatim has not been modified since that time. I had nothing to do with its creation.
There was at one point an unsubstantiated rumor that the Synergy timer contained a bitcoin miner. I have no evidence that this rumor has any basis in fact. Alex Gulakov has also contacted me to say that this claim is false. He provided a link to the following code repository:
If you have an older PC version and remain concerned about this, you can uninstall the Synergy timer by deleting Timer.exe in your Templates folder.